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Kalyana Nomad   Shala

Travel, yoga, pilates and backpack!


Welcome to this new site and to my new life as a travelling teacher on a road trip in Asia.


Now globetrotting, you can follow me on Kalyãna Nomad Shala which means "nomadic house of well-being", a virtual teaching space through travel open to all.


Kalyãna, a Sanskrit word that also translates as "good omen, favourable, beneficial, salutary", thus perfectly expresses what I wish with this new beginning, for you, for myself and for the world.


If expatriating and travelling the world has always been a dream, it has become a vital need today to restore meaning and flavour to my life and teaching. I am therefore leaving for a journey without a return date in order to reconnect with the essentials, be aligned with my values again, free and without ties to continue my journey on the infinite path of yoga, learn, evolve, grow, transmit. and nourish my soul.

"Travelling is going to discover the other.
And the first stranger to discover is you."

Oliver Föllmi

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This departure for India and Asia is not motivated by the sole need for escape and change, but also by the desire to immerse myself intensely in the study of Yoga, to draw from its source the knowledge of masters and pass it on to you.
Because I do not abandon you, my pleasure would be to cultivate the link with regular appointments along the way. How about a nomadic teacher that you join for a live yoga or pilates session on the bank of the Ganges in Rishikesh or on a beach in Sri Lanka... Guaranteed escape!
Does this tempt you? So if you haven't already,
subscribe to my newsletter or on my facebook page to be informed of our future meetings.
We will travel together, share unique moments and I will thus continue my mission, to bring you well-being and to improve your health. 
Today, going deeper into yoga is the continuation of my journey to give those who seek it, more peace, balance and mindfulness in their lives

Dare to live your light



“Just be present with your changing energies, and with the unpredictability that life throws up. »
Sri K Pattabhi Jois

Cours collectif, privé & semi privé

« Le secret pour avancer, c'est de commencer. »

Rolling like a ball_edited.jpg



Hatha, Yin, Vinyasa ou Yoga Nidra, méditation, relaxation et pranayama,
Puisez dans l'art de vie du Yoga et trouvez votre style pour voyager du corps physique vers le corps mental et  émotionnel. 

Renforcer son corps en profondeur,  évacuer stress et tensions en se concentrant sur sa posture et son souffle. Tonification, remise en forme post-partum, renforcement postural, problème de dos



En personne ou en ligne, en privé ou semi privé, chez vous ou en extérieur sous un oeil attentif e bienveillant.

Yoga, Pilates, Gym douce ou Circuit training, renforcement musculaire, activation cardio-vasculaire et stretching


Yoga for me

He must be   happy, curious, inclusive and accessible to all. I enjoy teaching an invigorating, fluid and creative Vinyasa as much as a gentle and meditative Yin, a Yoga Nidra, a more traditional Hatha or a light and stunning Air Yoga.
What I adore? Practicing Acro Yoga which makes the improbable possible and never ceases to marvel at what collaboration and listening to others allow in space.
The variety of Yoga allows everyone to find their way.

The path is still long, the areas to explore and study infinite, philosophy, meditation, pranayama, enough to travel
and remain an eternal student... 


Pilates and me...

Trained in Mat Pilates at Fits Pro in Switzerland, I found in this method all the rigor, control and precision of gymnastics, my passion sport that I practiced and then taught to children. One and the other, does not support the approximate, the efficiency of the movement resides above all in the correct placement. Learning is tedious, it requires regularity and concentration, but the results are quickly felt. 
And what a pleasure when you see your students straighten up, gain confidence and tell you that their back pain is gone! Incredible satisfaction and always the same wonder at de  such results with one session per week . 
Strengthening your deep muscles is a sumptuous gift to give to your body, especially if you suffer from back pain.

Athlete or not, woman or man, young or older, low back pain, pregnant woman, Pilates really adapts to everyone because it is a progressive method designed to meet everyone's needs and physical conditions._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

If you already have a regular sports practice, know that Pilates can be an excellent complement, your movements will become more efficient, because they are better controlled and the risk of injury or muscle imbalance will decrease.

Rolling back, exercice de la méthode pillates.

"Fitness is the first necessary condition for happiness."
J.H. Pilates

HATHA YOGA Back home
HATHA YOGA Back home
Une pratique douce et complète pour le plaisir de se reconnecter et de se retrouver sur le tapis 🧘🏼‍♂️🌸💞
13 Apr 2024, 09:30 – 11:00
Paillote Alta Rocca,
plage de Capitello, 20166 Grosseto-Prugna, France
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