Pascale Bonelli
"In yoga as in life, there is no repetition, every moment is unique. It's up to us to live our own experience."
It was gymnastics, a wonderful acrobatic and artistic discipline that awakened me to the pleasure and exaltation of movement, the exploration of space and gravity, the learning of balance, success and failure, surpassing oneself and a taste for effort. A passion that flows through my veins and has focussed my professional life towards this magnificent teaching profession that I have been practising for nearly 25 years.
From gymnastics and children, then fitness and adults, I finally discovered the Chiball TM method in 2002, a holistic practice based on the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). This training will be my initiatory journey into another dimension of movement, an awareness of the body-mind-breath bond, the first step on the path of Pilates and Yoga.
My maxim
"If it is by living that we become free, it is by being free that we become alive"
After many years working for others, I set myself a new challenge for my 40th birthday, to open my studio in Ajaccio, Prof 'île Forme closed in June 2020.
It was a multitasking challenge of every day in which nothing is ever acquired, but also a space of freedom and happiness that allowed me to train, express my creativity and share, as I wished with my students, an intelligent move in full consciousness.
13 years of joy and pleasure, which allowed me to devote myself to Pilates and especially Yoga, an exciting discipline that has continued to take up more and more space until it slipped into each of my cells.
He accompanies me on a daily basis and was an ally during my cancer. He guides me on my past trips and today to Asia and India, mother earth that I adore. Inexhaustible companion of knowledge and experiences, source of self-knowledge and transformation,
He keeps reminding me how much I know nothing and that I still have so much to learn about myself and my relationship with the world.
"Be your own lamp, your island, your refuge. Don't see any refuge outside yourself "- Buddha-
Experience & Trainings
1989 ~ BTS Tourism
1996 ~ Gymnastic activity animator diploma
1999 ~ State Patent for Fitness Professions (BEEMF)
2004 ~ Chiball© Method with Eva Winskill & Raphael Moreno
2007 ~ Vinyasa Basic System© with Shiva Roopa
2008 ~ Training courses Pilates Matwork 1
2009 ~ Pilates Matwork 3
2014 ~ Senior Pilates and pregnant women
2016 ~ Aerial Yoga certification with Fly Yoga© Method by Florie Ravinet
2017 ~ Iyengar class with Ian Lewis à Goa (India)
2018 ~ Thaï Massage Level 1 (Dharamkot India - Regi Holistic Therapies)
2018 ~ Intensive Yoga Course at Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Center de Dharamshala (India)
2018 ~ Total Yoga Nidra Foundation (Yoga Nidra Network & Ph. Beer gabel)
2019 ~ Yogasanas Program at the Isha Centre in Coimbatore (India)
2022 ~ TTC 200h Hatha Yoga at TattvaYogashala, in Rishikesh (India)